Dr. Kipp Davis

Bible Scholar Dr. Kipp Davis Leaves Christianity

Bible & Dead Sea Scholar Kipp Davis EXPOSES Problems With Christian Apologetics

The Chosen gets this Wrong | Dr Kipp Davis Reacts

7 Best Reasons for the Resurrection (feat. Dr Kipp Davis)

Ammon Hillman Is Illiterate: Dr Kipp Davis on INSANE BIBLE CLAIMS

Kipp Davis - Jewish Apocalypticism

Dr Kipp Davis on the Root of Western Monotheism

Messianic Expectations in the Dead Sea Scrolls | Dr. Kipp Davis

The Hebrew Bible | Dr. Kipp Davis | FULL DOCUMENTARY

David Falk Corrects Kipp Davis on Historic Blunder @ancientegyptandthebible

Dead Sea Scroll Debacle Unfolds w/Dr. Kipp Davis

'The Dead Sea Scrolls and Polytheism In The Bible: What Apologists Are Not Telling You'

Was Israel Polytheistic? With Dr. Kipp Davis

Dr. Kipp Davis DESTROYS Archaeologist's Claims of a Biblical Tablet: Part I @SeanMcDowell

LIVE with Q&A! The Origins of the Torah | with @GnosticInformant

The War Scroll | Dead Sea Scrolls - Dr. Kipp Davis

What is a 'Diablocritic'?

The Conquest of Canaan did not happen‬, Pt. I. A response to apologist Gavin Ortlund, ‪@TruthUnites

The Isaiah Scroll With Dr. Kipp Davis

Forged Dead Sea Scrolls | Dr. Kipp Davis

Talmudic Scholar Responds To Dr. Kipp Davis: 'Errant, Rank Nonsense'

Daniel in the Dead Sea Scrolls | The 4 Trees | Dr. Kipp Davis (Dead Sea Scrolls Scholar) @DrKippDavis

Was Genesis Plagiarized? ft. Dr. Joshua Bowen & Dr. Kipp Davis

Slavery is endorsed by the Bible